Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I & Act II

Act I pg.832, #1-8

1.Respond: The rule that would be the most hardest for me to follow would be not moving at all because I cant stay in one place and stay like that without moving for hours, its pretty unconfortble and annoying.
2.(a).Recall: The objects that Mr. Frank finds in the secret rooms was that he had found a womans white glove, a colorful scarf, letters, notes, and Anne's diary.
(b).These objects connect with the rest of the act by that it's the things that were used through within the two years they were living in the rooms.
3.(a).Recall: The special meaning of Hanukkah have for the families is where they all gather together and give each other gifts.
(b).Deduce: What Anne's presents show about her is that she was sweet and nice about giving the though of actually giving out gifts on Hanukkah, she tried to make the most of it.
(c).Interpret: Others react with enthusiasm to their presents because it was unexpected and they had liked their presents.
4.(a).Evaluate: Anne proves that this is true by that she has a diary and she expresses herself there by telling how days go on.
5.(a).The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding was that they didn't want to be killed like other families would so they instead hide and lie about going to another place to keep safe.
(b).The affects that this situation have on their daily lives is that they won't be living like an average family would be, they would always be inside the rooms, they would starve sometimes, the kids won't be able to go to school, and they would have to stay still for the most part.

6.(a).So that they could easily identify them..

(b).The whole point of the war was that leader of the Notzis was starting to hate on the Jews, so he came up plans and ideas of ways to kill them, nearly trying to extinct them.


Reveals character and relationships-Anne would always be told to act more like Margot, she also though Peter was annoying.

Advances the action of the plot-Mr. Frank had taken his family and the Vanns to hide in top of his business.

Develops the conflict-Everbody is starving from not getting enough food.

8. That they are all just like everyone else, they want to be safe and stay alive.

Act II pg.870, #1-8

1.(a).Respond: What I like best about Anne Frank is how when she gets into arguments, she comes up with very good resonable explanations and has a good way to come up with good sense of humor. I would love having her as a friend because I would get along with her and we would probably both make up funny jokes.

2.(a).Recall: The distrubing news that Mr. Kraler brings on New Year's Day is how Carl blackmailed Mr. Kraler by that he knew that the Franks were living on top of the business.

(b).Connect: The hint that this give about the ending of the play is that maybe the Franks and the Vanns would be caught and sent to the camp, because probably Carl would want more.

3.(a).Recall: The time span of Act II is on the first Saturday of January on 1944.
(b).Interpret: The characters have changed since the end of Act I by that they have become more greedy and kind of crazy.

(c).Support: I know that Anne has changed because she has acts more differently and actually gets along well with Peter, she also talks differently.

4.(a).Draw Conclusions: Anne can believe that because she has a positive mind and view, she looks at it differently even though the Notzi's are killing thousands of Jews.

(b).Interpret: What Mr. Frank means is that he is ashame that Anne had still believe that those people were good people at heart, even though they had just killed her and killed other Jews.

5.(a).Mr. Van Daan had stole food because he was starving like the others, and the affect was that it had shorten the food for the others while he had made up the lie that rats were stealing the food, which made the others even more hungrier.

(b).Mrs. Frank wanted the Van Daans to leave because Mr. Van had stole food, and though there would be enough food if they had left, the cause to this was that Anne didn't want them to leave because she was in love with Peter.

6.Some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship is that she thinks that they are in love and are doing things behind their backs, also though that they would be making out like other teenagers.

7.Three affects that resulted from this single cause was that, they go tlive longer and stay together, people outside such as friends were looking for them, and workers such as Carl was getting suspicious.


Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms.
To try to have a little celebration for New Years, and make them happy.

Mr. Van Daan
Stole food from the freezer box and lied about rats steeling the food.
To take away the hunger he had.

Peter Van Daan
Had started letting Anne in his room.
To talk and become much closer with Anne.
(b). The characters motivation have changed by that they each think differently than they had before.
9.The possible motivations would be to keep them quiet, possibly as the same as their rules they have at daily.

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