Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank, Act I & Act II

Act I pg.832, #1-8

1.Respond: The rule that would be the most hardest for me to follow would be not moving at all because I cant stay in one place and stay like that without moving for hours, its pretty unconfortble and annoying.
2.(a).Recall: The objects that Mr. Frank finds in the secret rooms was that he had found a womans white glove, a colorful scarf, letters, notes, and Anne's diary.
(b).These objects connect with the rest of the act by that it's the things that were used through within the two years they were living in the rooms.
3.(a).Recall: The special meaning of Hanukkah have for the families is where they all gather together and give each other gifts.
(b).Deduce: What Anne's presents show about her is that she was sweet and nice about giving the though of actually giving out gifts on Hanukkah, she tried to make the most of it.
(c).Interpret: Others react with enthusiasm to their presents because it was unexpected and they had liked their presents.
4.(a).Evaluate: Anne proves that this is true by that she has a diary and she expresses herself there by telling how days go on.
5.(a).The historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding was that they didn't want to be killed like other families would so they instead hide and lie about going to another place to keep safe.
(b).The affects that this situation have on their daily lives is that they won't be living like an average family would be, they would always be inside the rooms, they would starve sometimes, the kids won't be able to go to school, and they would have to stay still for the most part.

6.(a).So that they could easily identify them..

(b).The whole point of the war was that leader of the Notzis was starting to hate on the Jews, so he came up plans and ideas of ways to kill them, nearly trying to extinct them.


Reveals character and relationships-Anne would always be told to act more like Margot, she also though Peter was annoying.

Advances the action of the plot-Mr. Frank had taken his family and the Vanns to hide in top of his business.

Develops the conflict-Everbody is starving from not getting enough food.

8. That they are all just like everyone else, they want to be safe and stay alive.

Act II pg.870, #1-8

1.(a).Respond: What I like best about Anne Frank is how when she gets into arguments, she comes up with very good resonable explanations and has a good way to come up with good sense of humor. I would love having her as a friend because I would get along with her and we would probably both make up funny jokes.

2.(a).Recall: The distrubing news that Mr. Kraler brings on New Year's Day is how Carl blackmailed Mr. Kraler by that he knew that the Franks were living on top of the business.

(b).Connect: The hint that this give about the ending of the play is that maybe the Franks and the Vanns would be caught and sent to the camp, because probably Carl would want more.

3.(a).Recall: The time span of Act II is on the first Saturday of January on 1944.
(b).Interpret: The characters have changed since the end of Act I by that they have become more greedy and kind of crazy.

(c).Support: I know that Anne has changed because she has acts more differently and actually gets along well with Peter, she also talks differently.

4.(a).Draw Conclusions: Anne can believe that because she has a positive mind and view, she looks at it differently even though the Notzi's are killing thousands of Jews.

(b).Interpret: What Mr. Frank means is that he is ashame that Anne had still believe that those people were good people at heart, even though they had just killed her and killed other Jews.

5.(a).Mr. Van Daan had stole food because he was starving like the others, and the affect was that it had shorten the food for the others while he had made up the lie that rats were stealing the food, which made the others even more hungrier.

(b).Mrs. Frank wanted the Van Daans to leave because Mr. Van had stole food, and though there would be enough food if they had left, the cause to this was that Anne didn't want them to leave because she was in love with Peter.

6.Some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship is that she thinks that they are in love and are doing things behind their backs, also though that they would be making out like other teenagers.

7.Three affects that resulted from this single cause was that, they go tlive longer and stay together, people outside such as friends were looking for them, and workers such as Carl was getting suspicious.


Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms.
To try to have a little celebration for New Years, and make them happy.

Mr. Van Daan
Stole food from the freezer box and lied about rats steeling the food.
To take away the hunger he had.

Peter Van Daan
Had started letting Anne in his room.
To talk and become much closer with Anne.
(b). The characters motivation have changed by that they each think differently than they had before.
9.The possible motivations would be to keep them quiet, possibly as the same as their rules they have at daily.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Holocaust-50 things that I learned

1. I learned that the word "Holocaust" is a greek word meaning, "sacrifice by fire".

2.Germans attacked other kinds of ethnics, like Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and other ethnics.

3.The other kind of ethnics were killed because being homosexual, Jehova Witnesses, being related of someone, being ideological, being political, comminists, and your behavior.

4.In the year of 1933, there was a population of nine million and more of Jews in Europe.

5.The European Jews lived in places where the Nazi's would use or even having an effect for during the World War II.

6.When it was already 1945, the Nozi's had a conclusion of killing every two jews out of three

7.The leader of the German Notzi's, the Hitler, had made a book of plans of how to kill and extinct the Jews and other ethnics.

8.The Notzi's biggest racism on was on the Jews, they though they were danger to the Germans.

9.The Hitler wrote about 7 books when he was in jail.

10.The Notzi's also killed about 200,000 people that were mentally or physically that were handicapped.

11.Those 200,000 people that were mentally or physically handicapped were mostly Germans.

12.About two to three million Soviet prisoners were killed or died from starving, diseases, not cared well, and being treated like animals.

13.At first the meaning of ghettos is poor people, who dressed up poor.

14.There are three types of ghetto which are closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.

15.In Poland, the largest ghetto was called the Warsaw ghetto.

16.On May 10, 1940 the Germans had taken over on Netherlands.

17.In the year of 1933 and 1945, the Germans put up about 20,000 camps for the Jews.

18.There are two different kinds of camps, which is the concentration camp and the extremanation camp.

19.The concentration camp is where the people worked and were starved, sometimes were shot to death.

20.The extremanation camp is where the people were killed using the camp with the gas.

21.A couple of ghettos had only lasted for days, some lasted for months or even years.

22.The Notzi's had begun killing the ghettos in the late of 1941.

23.The Notzi's would kill the ghettos by shooting them by the grave or sending them on a train to "Killing Centers" where they were killed.

24.Also the Notzi's had made the Jews wear badges and armbands; they also made the Jews do labor work for the Germans.

25.The Germans would also kill the people by experimenting on them and would also to atopsy to them.

26.The Germans would also use the Jewish policeman as whatever they desire to use them as for.

27.The Jewish women that were pregnant would be the first group to die in the extremanation camp.

28.The Jewish women that were pregnant from the Germans would often have abortion because the Germans though that the baby would not be 100% German blood.

29.When the Germans did experiment on the Jews they would experiment on them as if they were animals.

30.Mothers of small kids that weren't not capable to do any work were sent to the first group of

Friday, May 8, 2009

-Expository Essay

-Write an expository essay about one serious-problem on the streets. Make sure to give 3 solutions to the problem.

One serious problem on the streets is robbery out there. It’s something no one wants to happen to themselves. My three solutions to this problem are, get house alarm as for protection, try not to show off your expensive things, and try to be careful. In my oponion, I have robbed before so I know what it feels like to get robbed, it feels shocking and disappointment.

My first solution for robbery is get a house alarm as for protection. You might not think that you would ever get robbed, but trust me it could. So I think the very best solution to this is getting a house alarm for protection. When someone tries to get into your home, and if they do, the alarm would go on immediately and the police would be on their way. The robber would leave and would know not to ever come back to your home, because it now knows you have an alarm for your home. In my opinion, I think this is the very best solution so that you wouldn’t get robbed.

My second solution is try not to show off your expensive things. This is one of the things probably that are first known by the robber. The robber tries to see if you have anything that they would value so that they could steal from you. They are likely to steal something expensive from you, that is why they would break in your house. Unless the robber wants something much of value. For example, if you bought a new TV screen, and you have your curtains wide open and your new TV is right there, they would of course want to steal it for it is new and it is expensive. You would for in this situation close your curtains and make sure you have your windows lock and doors lock. Keep your fences also locked. In my opinion, I always keep my curtains close, unless I am home with everyone.

My third reason is try to be careful as possible. You should be cautious around yourself. Make sure you get to know your neighbors, don’t judge them by how they look. You may think that a neighbor looks like it would rob but you would sometimes be wrong about that. Also try to keep your jewelry away from somewhere where normally you wouldn’t keep it, or oddly somewhere where no one would guess it would be, but easy enough for you to get it out and in. In my opinion, I would keep my treasure somewhere safe to keep.

In my conclusion, these are my reasons for one serious problem on the streets. My first reason is to get a house alarm to have protection. My second reason is try not to show off your things or expensive things. My third reason is try to be cautious as possible. If you don’t want to get robbed like me, you would take these solutions and actually do something about it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel by Brothers Grimm

Point of view of Gretel-

I was always hungry, never really full, I couldn't sleep because of hunger. All though my brother, Hansel was the nicest and caring brother anyone would ever have. He would always take care of me, for my mother didn't. I then heard our mother talk about leaving us in the forest the next day, I cried and cried. I didn't want to be part from my father but soon found confort in my brother, for he always knew what to do. I was just so demented at her, how dare she come up with such idea. I then just hugged my brother as I sleep.

The next day, early before the sun had rise, mother woked us up and had taken us to the forest, I was about to cry, for I knew what this meant, but I didn't. She gave us a piece of bread, I was so hungry but decided to save it for later for she told us to. As we walked through the forest, Hansel seemed to stay back, but I didn't know why. When we finally reached to the middle of the forest, they left us, for mother told us a lie that they would be coming back for us. But I knew they weren't coming back for us. I then sat by my brother by the fire and tried to keep warm and we then ate our piece of bread. We sat there and hugged each other, then as I looked around, I had started drozing off for I was so tired. I then woke up, it was late at night, I then remembered that they weren't coming back, we were in the forest alone, and I didn't know how we were going to come back home. I then started crying and asked, "how are we going to get out of the forest?"

Hansel had then hugged me and told me that once the moon is up then we can start finding our way home. Hansel then took my hand and we started walking. When we finally got home, I was happy and relieved. Then we both knocked happily, but then mother answered the door, and with a mad mood asked us why did we sleep for so long in the forest. I knew it was a lie, she knew it was a lie, but I guess she still thinks that we didn't know the truth. Later on, she started talking to father about how they would have to take us far away in the forest. We both didn't sleep. I then started crying quietly again, while Hansel went downstairs to get more pebbles. He then came back and conforted me. The next day, mother woke us up again, gave us a piece of bread and took us out to the forest.

It was like de-ja-vu for, everything is repeating again. We were walking through the forest, but this time mother took us farther and somewhere where we've never been before. They left us once again, and I was full of hatred for mother. It was getting late and I was getting hungry so I shared my bread with Hansel sense he used his bread as the way for home. We then again dozed off and went to sleep. We both later then on,woke up again late at night and Hansel had conforted me , I needed for I was scared and felt like crying more. Once the moon had rose, we were walking to the way for home but we couldn't find the bread crumbs that Hansel left. The birds must have eaten them, so then we started walking towards home. Though we didn't find the way home and we were starving for we only ate two to three berries. We then got deeper and deeper into the forest which frightened me and then we finally found a little house made out of what seemed bread. I was satisfied, we then went straight to the little house. We began eating, I was eating the window while Hansen was eating the roof.

Then a old women came out of the house and we both dropped from what was in our hands. She looked ugly and scary, like a witch. But then she invited us to her house, and made us delicious food and then had let us sleep in very confortble beds. The next thing I knew, I felt someone waking me up viciuosly from what I felt. I was then crying and heard that the nice lady from what I was getting to see was a witch all along, told me to cook for my brother. She even said that she would kill my brother and eat him after he'd turned fat.

I had feed my brother, and only ate crabs. The witch had said she waited too long now, he didn't turn fat, so she said she would cook him. Though she told me to make sure the fire was working, I knew what she was thinking, so instead I asked her how should I make sure the fire was working. She went inside, just like I wanted to and kicked her as hard as I could and slammed the door. Then locked it. I freed my brother and we took some pearls that were inside the bread house, we stuffed it in our pockets and left home.

When we finally saw home, we ran inside and hugged my dad, for the mother had died already. I was glad, wanted to smile but didn't. I was so happy, it would be the best day ever of my whole life. My brother and I then dropped all of the pearls on the floor, my father was surprised but happy. He looked like he just won a million dollers, but it wasn't a million dollers, it was my brother and I back home. We lived happily ever after. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Eve's Diary" by Mark Twain

Adams View:

I don't understand? What is the meaning of this? Why did I exist? Well all I could really remember was how yesterday I was looking around and around for I was confused, didn't know really much about anything. That includes nature, but the fact that I exist, my body. I could breath, I could smell, hear, taste, everything! It amazes me, all though I question myself why do I look the way I do? I'm not complaining, but sure am asking myself. It is absurd not to know that life is a gift, and that this WORLD it's just beauty.

Later then on, I've explored more and more, I want to learn as much as I could.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Cat and the bird-Fable

A cat walked outside trying to look for a place to get a nap, while the bird was chirping on the branch of a tree. The cat finally found a spot to nap on, which was under the tree. As the bird move around it's little crib, it dropped it's dinner, for it was a worm. It felt right by the cat, then the bird asked the cat,"Can you please hand me the worm?, for I am so tired from picking my dinner." The cat yawns and says,"I'm taking my nap now, I'll do it later if I have the energy." The bird knew that the cat wasn't by any chance give it's worm, so the bird went to get it itself. A couple of hours later, the cat awoke and went by the river to get some water, but as it went to get water the cat had slipped and had lost it's catch. The cat then yelled out,"Please! Help! For I am drowning!! Hurry!" The bird in response said,

"If you weren't nice to me, why should I be?"