Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Holocaust-50 things that I learned

1. I learned that the word "Holocaust" is a greek word meaning, "sacrifice by fire".

2.Germans attacked other kinds of ethnics, like Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and other ethnics.

3.The other kind of ethnics were killed because being homosexual, Jehova Witnesses, being related of someone, being ideological, being political, comminists, and your behavior.

4.In the year of 1933, there was a population of nine million and more of Jews in Europe.

5.The European Jews lived in places where the Nazi's would use or even having an effect for during the World War II.

6.When it was already 1945, the Nozi's had a conclusion of killing every two jews out of three

7.The leader of the German Notzi's, the Hitler, had made a book of plans of how to kill and extinct the Jews and other ethnics.

8.The Notzi's biggest racism on was on the Jews, they though they were danger to the Germans.

9.The Hitler wrote about 7 books when he was in jail.

10.The Notzi's also killed about 200,000 people that were mentally or physically that were handicapped.

11.Those 200,000 people that were mentally or physically handicapped were mostly Germans.

12.About two to three million Soviet prisoners were killed or died from starving, diseases, not cared well, and being treated like animals.

13.At first the meaning of ghettos is poor people, who dressed up poor.

14.There are three types of ghetto which are closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.

15.In Poland, the largest ghetto was called the Warsaw ghetto.

16.On May 10, 1940 the Germans had taken over on Netherlands.

17.In the year of 1933 and 1945, the Germans put up about 20,000 camps for the Jews.

18.There are two different kinds of camps, which is the concentration camp and the extremanation camp.

19.The concentration camp is where the people worked and were starved, sometimes were shot to death.

20.The extremanation camp is where the people were killed using the camp with the gas.

21.A couple of ghettos had only lasted for days, some lasted for months or even years.

22.The Notzi's had begun killing the ghettos in the late of 1941.

23.The Notzi's would kill the ghettos by shooting them by the grave or sending them on a train to "Killing Centers" where they were killed.

24.Also the Notzi's had made the Jews wear badges and armbands; they also made the Jews do labor work for the Germans.

25.The Germans would also kill the people by experimenting on them and would also to atopsy to them.

26.The Germans would also use the Jewish policeman as whatever they desire to use them as for.

27.The Jewish women that were pregnant would be the first group to die in the extremanation camp.

28.The Jewish women that were pregnant from the Germans would often have abortion because the Germans though that the baby would not be 100% German blood.

29.When the Germans did experiment on the Jews they would experiment on them as if they were animals.

30.Mothers of small kids that weren't not capable to do any work were sent to the first group of

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