Friday, May 8, 2009

-Expository Essay

-Write an expository essay about one serious-problem on the streets. Make sure to give 3 solutions to the problem.

One serious problem on the streets is robbery out there. It’s something no one wants to happen to themselves. My three solutions to this problem are, get house alarm as for protection, try not to show off your expensive things, and try to be careful. In my oponion, I have robbed before so I know what it feels like to get robbed, it feels shocking and disappointment.

My first solution for robbery is get a house alarm as for protection. You might not think that you would ever get robbed, but trust me it could. So I think the very best solution to this is getting a house alarm for protection. When someone tries to get into your home, and if they do, the alarm would go on immediately and the police would be on their way. The robber would leave and would know not to ever come back to your home, because it now knows you have an alarm for your home. In my opinion, I think this is the very best solution so that you wouldn’t get robbed.

My second solution is try not to show off your expensive things. This is one of the things probably that are first known by the robber. The robber tries to see if you have anything that they would value so that they could steal from you. They are likely to steal something expensive from you, that is why they would break in your house. Unless the robber wants something much of value. For example, if you bought a new TV screen, and you have your curtains wide open and your new TV is right there, they would of course want to steal it for it is new and it is expensive. You would for in this situation close your curtains and make sure you have your windows lock and doors lock. Keep your fences also locked. In my opinion, I always keep my curtains close, unless I am home with everyone.

My third reason is try to be careful as possible. You should be cautious around yourself. Make sure you get to know your neighbors, don’t judge them by how they look. You may think that a neighbor looks like it would rob but you would sometimes be wrong about that. Also try to keep your jewelry away from somewhere where normally you wouldn’t keep it, or oddly somewhere where no one would guess it would be, but easy enough for you to get it out and in. In my opinion, I would keep my treasure somewhere safe to keep.

In my conclusion, these are my reasons for one serious problem on the streets. My first reason is to get a house alarm to have protection. My second reason is try not to show off your things or expensive things. My third reason is try to be cautious as possible. If you don’t want to get robbed like me, you would take these solutions and actually do something about it.

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