Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

It was another bright sunny day, another day of working on the farm. My mom dressed me up and did my hair like every other day. I then went back in the farm to milk the cows for breakfest while Johnny my oldest brother here was working back there with Pop. They were checking up on the wheat, they had driven to take some wheat for breakfest and to pack some up for winter. Though Michael, my little brother doesn't do anything, he would just help mom with breakfest and stay in. I'd rather do that. I sometimes can't stand him, it gets annoying. After I was done milking the cow, I brought in the milk and gave it to mommy. Mommy always looked tired but was satisfied today for some reason. I looked at her, strangely and she smiled back at me. She then asked me to rinse the cups and plates. I did and had dried them for her. Though she doesn't smile unless it's a special day or event. Or something really good had happened to her today.

The last time I ever saw my mom smile was when Pop had done the chores for her and she had the day off to do watever she wanted to do with her spare time. That was big, but that was three years ago. I remembered that Pop even had to do the loundry! Oh!, that was rich! He hates doing the loundry, but she enjoyed as he did the chores for her. Though she only got the day off because it was her birthday and he wanted to do something nice for her. But it's not her birthday today, her birthday isn't until winter, and it's summer. I then started wondering, maybe she found gold or something while she was gardening out in the front porch. Then, I smelled something so deliciuos and sweet. I stopped wondering and looked around, for what was that wonderful smell. My mom was poking something delicious in the oven. Thats where the smell came from. I then spoked out loud, "Mmm!, mom? What is that that your making?" She then turned off the oven. She answered with a smile in her voice,"It's a dessert, called pie."

Momma then put the pie on the table as I put some milk on the table, but then mom said to take out the apple juice instead, she usually wouldn't let us have apple juice in the morning, it's so sweet. Then I had put on a clean, white table cloth and with that put apple juice, plates, knifes, spoons, and cups on the table. I then ran to the bell and rang it as hard as I can, I was so happy and felt like this was not another boring day of farming but an interesting and happy day. I then yelled out with all my might,"BREAKFEST IS READY!!!". My brother came running and my Pop's came walking happily. As we all sat down, Pop went to wash his hands, while then my mom served us this dessert, called pie. It had blueberry as it was getting cut up, we were all so adoring the heavenly smell. So warm and baked on a windy summer day. I then smiled widely as I took my first bite, it was so delicious but as I took my third bite I was beginning to get full, the pie was big! I could maybe last a week, but Michael wasn't allowed to eat dessert because he was sick so he would have to take his tea.

But Johnny kept on eating and eating, and I then started wondering where would all that fit. My momma was just probably in a good mood and my pop just peeked in, enjoying the moment we were having on trying the pie. While grandma was knitting and then came along and had started cutting the wheat bread. My mom then just fed Sindy some pie also, Lacy was begging and begging for pie. We then all enjoyed the day and we didn't work for today, we took off the day and my pop was done with all chores that afternoon. We all then played games and ate more pie.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

-25 Pet Peeves

-It's irritating when someone eats and chews their food without closing their mouth.
-When a person that doesn't even know me gets into my personal life.
-When my sister asks me to do dumb favors.
-Its annoying when my friend uses her phrase when I say she is mean.
-When my fake brother makes jokes on me.
-When a person, doesn't matter which gender but wears heavy and stinky perfume or colon.
-When I don't sneeze but had to sneeze.
-When people treat me like I am helpless and dumb.
-A person who puts on heavy, rock, metal music on,
-When my mom is cooking and uses the blender while I'm watching a really good movie or TV show.
-When my friend's brother treats me like a kid.
-My last year teacher thinking that he is always right.
-Little kids thinking that they are better than me, better than teens.
-When my fake brother mimics my laugh and my behavior. (It's not really how I act.)
-When men, like perverted men watch my mom in a wrong way. (It's disgusting.)
-When people call me E.T.
-When my brother is all day long on the computer.
-I hate it when I'm always getting embarrassed in front of cute guys.
-When people go to far when telling what to do.
-When people exaggerate something little to a bigger thing.
-When a person lies to me and I find out later about it.
-When I am the one being everywhere, being mentioned all the time.
-When my sister watches this annoying and dumb show.
-I hate it when my cat bites me while she is running around the house.
-I don't like it when people talk when their breath stinks.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend’s deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. It was on a cold, wintery, and cloudy day that she had told me. We were walking through the forest deeper and deeper. I wondered why but I kept on walking, kicking the snow as I went through. I then finally asked her, “Nessie?, where are we going?” I looked at her with curiosity more than questioning her. She didn’t say anything, she just smiled at me. Then I looked around, there a whole bunch of trees topped with snow. It looked wonderful and pretty, I loved it.

We then began to stop and I then noticed where we were.We were at this park, but it was fulled of snow, but didn’t really care and cleaned out the snow from the swings. Nessie went on the other swing next to me. Next thing I knew we were both just swinging, quietly. Then she said,”I don’t know, I feel confused and just feel weird.”, I then asked, “Why?, Whats wrong?”. She looked around a bit and seemed from what I saw from my two own eyes, she blushed. She looked down as she did she told me, “Well I really like this cute boy, though I don’t think he likes me.” I then gasped and looked at her, studied her face for a second and looked around. “Well who is he?” , she then looked at me and said,”His name is Devin, and he doesn’t go to our school, he is my mom’s friend’s son.” I wondered for a second and asked, “ Well, what do you like about him?”, I first wondered if it was his looks but changed my mind when she was just thinking.

“He is so talented , funny, charming, and smart. He is also beautiful from the outside.” She then sighed and looked at me hopelessly and said, “I wondered if he likes me…” I didn’t know what to say, this was the first time she ever liked-liked somebody. There was silence for a moment. Then I though of a great idea, “You should maybe meet up with him again, and maybe if I can come with you then maybe I can help you.” I then smiled at her as she looked up at me. She nodded at me then and smiled back at me. We both then kept on swinging.
About a week later, Nessie ran up to me afterschool and then told me that today she was going to go to his house again. I then smiled big at her and walked with her to her house. When we got there, Nessie’s mother made us hot chocolate with warm, and baked cookies. I was satisfied then about an hour later we left to Devin’s house. When we got there, I was then so curious. His house was so big, it was a three story house and had a lawn as wide as his house. When we got in, Devin had handshaked us and told us that his mother would come in a second. He disappeared quickly and seemed shy. In about 30 seconds he came with his mother. But I must agree, he was pretty hot, no doubt about that.

Nessie’s mother and his mother hugged and greeted Nessie and I, she said to make ourselves at home. They then started chatting as they walked to the kitchen.

Friday, March 20, 2009

-Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. Many had tried to figure who was the murderer of Jayla N. Anderson. Jayla N. Anderson was 23 years old when mudered and wanted to become a singer. Jayla’s parents, Abella and Jack Anderson never stopped looking for her, they still posted up pictures of Jayla even after a deacade and a half from her death. I was surprised investigators, like my partner and I, had given up on the idea of looking for Jayla N. Anderson. This just wasn’t right. Even from fonding so much money to find who was the murderer of Jayla.

It didn’t matter how long no one has worked on Jayla’s case, doesn’t stop me from also stopping. I had done some reasearch from little what I know from Jayla. I had gone to the police station to find out about her. I had found out her history. She grew up in Ely, Nevada.Was born in Ely also, a town, in 1864 on March 29. When she was three years old she had wanted to become a ballet, young and smart as she was her parents basically gave her everything she wanted. Her parents was a wealthy family who owned a company of oil. When she got older, her parents took her to a private school, they though that it would be best for their daughter to be smart that way she wouldn’t be a failure in life.
She had also during in school years, taken music classes and loved singing. Her mother had reported in news that she was natural in singing and had gone in many competitions for singing. She had also taken singing classes. When she got to high school, Jayla had won many awards towards her singing. When she almost graduated high school she had her boyfriend, named Jonny McCail who had problems with Jayla, he had cheated on her and both got into an argument. Police say that he didn’t want to break up with her but Jayla did, anyways. This was one of the fights on her high school years that her parents had known about that had gotten violent.

Jayla later on went to college in Maryland, in 1882, her parents suggested that she would go to a school nearby that way it wouldn’t be so hard for her and could visit her parents on holidays but Jayla decided to go to Maryland for her College. She was still following her dreams of singing, her parents understood and wanted her to have her education that she wanted to have, they had also paid for her college. Jayla had a whole bunch of new friends, some friends who still knew her went to the same college she did. Jayla had also told her parent’s that she had found a boyfriend of her own and that they had problems. Jayla’s mother Abella feared that her daughter would have too many raltionship problems like she did with her boyfriend that her parents knew about. Though she did not want to go into her relationship with her boyfriend and though they would fix it together like every other couples.
Abella and Jack called their daughter months later, asking if she would want to spend the holidays together sense it would be coming in a week or so, but she did not answer. Abella and Jack called her friends, in which they knew. A bunch of her friends in which were going to a resturant to hang out on a Friday night said that they last saw her walking with her new boyfriend named, Dante Ross, to the movies. That’s all pretty much they knew, though later investigators found that she had checked out later that night at a hotel with her boyfriend. That was the last time anyone saw her, her parents had tried looking for her all these years. Dante was not found guilty and had told the investigators that when he woke up he didn’t find her anywhere around the hotel. Her friends were also not guilty or pressed with any charges. Investigators also told Jayla’s parent’s that they would asume she is dead by now sense there is no clue where she is or her body.

I thinked for a really long time, if I could get to that hotel and check everything I could then there might be a chance that she would be found. I asked my partner to call Jayla’s parents to see if we can help out and find where Jayla is or if she were dead then we would find her murderer, their reply was that it would be helpful that if they could just find the murderer and were breathless and almost with hope that if she were alive to bring her back home. I then knew I would have to start investigating right away with my partner, Syler.

We both then flew to Maryland and went to the hotel that she had checked out with her boyfriend. The hotel is called the, Pine Hotel, and we had talked to this young man in the checking room and asked the room number of which Jayla N. Anderson had checked in and showed him our badgets. He gave us the keys to it and said gave a smug smile to us. I then looked at every detail around this checking room and even looked back at him. Syler also looked back and then we went up the stairs. The door in front of us , now, was a red door with spots of chipped out paint on the bottom. As I unlock the door, I turned on the lights as soon as I could. Then I saw the room, it had the bed all neatly fixed and the lamps on each side of the bed just like any other cheap hotel would look like. I grabbed my bag and took a step forward and told Syler to get the dark light from the van. He then left, as he left I looked around the hotel room that once Jayla and her boyfriend checked in. I then noticed the walls were so neatly clean and I looked at the bottom of the walls. As I looked at the bottom of the wall, I then saw a speck of little blood that you would never notice it unless you take a really good look and actually bend down to look at it.

I knew it was Jayla’s boyfriend who had killed her!, or….was it that he had some how did something to her, had gotten into a fight and then took her somewhere else, and had left a blood stain as he had fight with her.There is no way that she could have just gone or could she?, it must be her blood. Then came Syler back, I didn’t want to over due his mind the way I did. I then went quickly to the bathroom but it was so clean, no nothing on the walls nor on the corner of the walls. I then went to check out the furniture, Syler was preparing the night light. Then came into back in the bedroom, I saw there the TV, I then grabbed a Q-tip and put water on it with my special bottle, and slide it over the TV. In conclusion, found blood on it, yes there musten been something here that had happen, really big. I must not get into conclusion actually, must get the DNA of the blood who may belong to Jayla N. Anderson.

Syler then had put on the night light and turned off the regular light. I put on my goggles because of the light and then I didn’t even have to look. I saw blood on the walls already that has been cleaned out and blood on the carped that has also been cleaned out. I then told Syler, “We are gonna get this room wrapped up for a couple of months.” Then Syler said, “Well, well, well, don’t you think it’s all coming down?, It must be Dante!, there’s blood all over, he lied, it can’t be anyone else…” We both then were silent and were taking pictures, notes, and samples of the blood in each of the spots where it is. I knew that it must be Dante, Jayla’s boyfriend, because it’s pretty obvius! That he was the one who was last seen with Jayla and had slept with Jayla! There can’t be any other reason or explanation for this.

We then called back up and also had them take samples and pictures. As they did that, both Syler and I were going to get the DNA checked out and also check the pictures. When we got there to our private building and left the DNA and pitures to get checked out, we were chating about how this could all connect. I then though about the side of the story that was given to the court and newspapers and everyone. I then just automatically started driving again to the hotel. Syler was confused of what I was thinking, then he asked, “What are you doing? Where are we going?”, I didn’t respond but kept driving. When we got to the hotel, I then went inside and saw the man again. He looked creepy and had something in his face that I couldn’t explain it, something. He said, “Hello”, again and ignord that and asked for the video of the date, 1882, December 21. He said then, “ Well just wait a minute and I’ll come back.” I nodded sharply and just stared at him with no expression, he then appeared to go to this other room on the left of the registration room and had disappeared into the room. While he was looking for the video, I then looked around the room. It was pretty simple, just the door for the costumer to come in and then the resgistration room. No seats, no pictures or posters on walls. Was neat and clean. I saw there on the wall of the register room and saw some weird looking keys on the wall.

I looked at them for a long time, and then took my eyes off it as he came back. I didn’t want him to see that I was beginning to get suspicious of him, because everyone knows how when someone gets suspiciuos of someone then that someone would start panicking and might try to hide some more of the evidence and start to act different than who they really are. Then he gave me the video and I just walked fast to the van. When I got in the van I told Syler that we are going to have to look deeper into the this case because I felt like there might be more to it then it is. Then I drove to my house to watch the video with him. When we started watching the video, I have notice it was just the snowy day and cold. Around later at 7:00 pm, Jayla and Dante came to the hotel and had checked out. Then couple of hourse nothing happened, just the same registrator who is still working in the hotel, and around much later at 3 in the morning he had left and this other person was taking his place for now. But as he took off, he looked like he was thinking a lot and a seriuos face he had.

Then I replayed the video to see on the way he had left and what he did on those hours before the other person took his place. Syler told me to stop the video as I was looking around the room for any evidence. He told me to click closer to the casher and then told me to look at his expression and at what he is doing. I then saw closely, that he was grabbing what seem some keys, but he wasn’t off for the day until a couple of more hours. So why was he grabbing those keys then? I was cofused for a second, then though maybe he just wanted to keep them safe in his pocket, but he won’t loose them because he is just in that little room, how could anyone loose those keys in that little room? Syler then gave me a weird and suspiciuos look.

The next thing I knew was that he took notes on that scene and then he told me to drive back to the hotel. I told him we should just rest it for the night because it’s too late, but he did not listen to me. He took the keys and told me, “If you want to be succesful then you wouldn’t just not care about that little scence that can make a difference.” With that he then left out of the doorway. Ugh! I was so stressed out and confused now. I then ran out the door and got in the car as he was just about to leave. I then asked him, “Why do you think he took those keys, when he leaves in a couple of hours?” I was confused. Then he answered, “He might be involve with this.” Then, I though, are you crazy?, hello!, we already have our one, the one who took Jayla away from their loved ones. It’s her boyfriend. I just.., no that can’t be, we found blood all over in the hotel room that we just checked out earlier and theres the evidence! There is no other explanation for this.

When I was thinking half way through we were parking in the parking lot. Then he got out of the car and took his notepad. I just went along, I was so confused. Then we entered in the room that we were just watching. Syler then asked the same man we saw in the video if we can check out his room and the video room. He looked surprised a bit and then said it in a casual way, “Sure, no problem sir.” We then went in the little room and felt tight and cold. Like someone or something was about to hit me or kill me. I felt wrong. Syler was stiff and was confident, went on in the video room and took notes on his notepad. I looked around, it was just a video room and then he went on in the register room. I then asked the young man, “what is your name Mr.?”, he answered with a smile,” James Parson”. He then asked, “Is there seem to be a problem here?” Syler then spoked in a professional way he always does, “No, we are just checking things up for the investigation, we must get enough evidence and so. Do you mind?”, Syler was looking down at this cabnet. James looked confused for a second and then nodded. I was getting suspiciuos about him now. Syler kept taking notes, then after five long minutes he was done.

Syler closed the cabnet and then asked James, “Do you also mind if we can take a look in your car?, I mean if you have one?”, James replied was, “Well it’s pretty messy and dirty, haven’t gone to the car wash latel-“, Syler cute him off, “We don’t mind, we are just going to take a quick look at it.” James seemed kind of mad or pissed off and gave Syler the keys to the car with no hope and said, “I can’t leave the building, sorry but you can go ahead and check it out yourselves.” As we left, I though I heard him mumble something under his breath, but then just forget about it. When we got to the car it seemed like a really nice ride for a man like James. Syler then opened the car and had his expression of concentration. I was surprised because this seemed like it was going to be an end, this wouldn’t lead us to anything at all. Then Syler went on the back of it’s trunk and kept looking around thing after thing and then had found what seemed red; blood. I was not surprised and told Syler, “That could have been a nose bleed of some kind.” Syler took a sample of it anyways, and then went on the back seats and found nothing. Then went on the front seats and had found something that he would never wear. It was a necklace with a heart shaped, it was silver. He then had collected and had stored it in a plastic for forensic files.

This neclace was something that was unsual to find in a man's car. Though doesn't mean he had killed Jayla. We then gave him the keys back and had headed back home. Then, in a couple of days we had found out that the DNA in the hotel's room that Jayla and Dante had checked out was not Jayla's blood, but it was an undentified person's blood. To that, my theory would be that there musten been some other murder in the hotel room but what about Jayla? Hmmm..., so James had taken some keys in the registration room early before his hours out of work, Jayla was not with Dante when he woke up, and the blood indentified from the hotel room was an undentified person's DNA, then...

Syler had cut me off and said,"It'll take a couple of days to see the DNA of the one I had gotten from Jame's car, something about James is just not right, the way he acts, his behavior." So if it wasn't the DNA in the hotel then, it must be the blood that Syler discovered in Jame's car! But-t, it doesn't make sense?, or does it?

"Syler I think we should check out Dante's house first," Syler then looked at me, and rose one dark eye brow at me. I had the keys on my hand already, so we started for the car. When we got to Dante's house, I just needed some evident, anything that could have been used during when Jayla was with Dante. When we arrived at Dante's house, I had taken my notepad and recorder. It was a rainy, cloudy, and gloomy day and I knew something must be happening. I knocked at the door, a gorgeous and sophisticated women answered the door,"Hello there?, Can I help you with anything?", I had written this down,"Yes, we would like to talk to Mr. Dante please?","She hesitated for a second and left, then Dante came. He looked different from the picture that I saw in the files of investigation. He looked much older and looked tired, and darker from getting sunburned, I would guess. He rolled his eyes and said,"Well is there a problem?", "Well we would both would like to get some information for the investigation.", and showed him my badget and Syler then saw and had took out his and showed it to him. Dante then opened the door more wide and we stepped in. We then got to business and looked around. We looked in his basement first, and he half came along and just left us.

The basement was in bad shape and saw lots of packed up boxes, two bikes, a bathroom, and the heater for the water. Syler then knew what I was doing. I started looking for any evidence, looked around, and then something had caught the corner of my eye. I then turned looking in one of the boxes, there was this red and bright silky clothing. It was a PJ dress. Though it didn't look like something the young women upstairs would wear because it was the old fashion kind of dress and looked like some italian girl would wear. I then took it out and had stored it for evidence. Syler found nothing, but then looked at the wall, the wall was crooked. Like something was behind it causing it to look crooked. I then grabbed a hammer and took the nails out of the wooden wall, but it was already loose. Like it was being used but hidden. Then Syler took out what looked like a knife. It was not clean but dirty, dirty with blood. I just stared at it for a long time. Then Syler had also stored it. We began again looking for more evidence. But found nothing.

We then had also had the blood from the knife and if there was any blood on the clothing to be identified. The moment I had found this out, I called for backup and had told them to make Dante confess the truth about Jayla. I then left in a hurry and Syler followed along. I then drove to Pine's Hotel once again. When we arrived, I went straight to the registration room, but it wasn't James it was someone else taking his place. Then I asked him where James lives and replied that he is not allowed to give out personal informtion, so I showed him my badget and gave us the adress. He seemed suspicious as we left. I then drove to the adress, when we finally got there, I looked at the place. It was a building, he lived in an apartment so we looked for the number 26. Finally, I knocked and James answered,"Hello?", then I answered in my professional voice, "Yes, we would like to check your apartment for any forensic files or so," and with that showed him my badget.
As I set my papers, both Dante and James glared at Syler and I. Then the court justice had banged three times and thats when it had set off. The court justice then began the introduction and had let Syler and I talk about the case. I started first,"I for a though, telling the truth and what forensic files can find out in which I did so too. I am saying that I know who had murder or as you may say adult-napped Jayla N. Anderson. He is standing right in front of the court justice and knows it too. On the night of December 21, 1882 on a Friday night, Dante and Jayla both were going out together, leaving their friends going out on a resturant. Dante, that day took her out to the movies and after the movies, they both went to the Pine's Hotel." I had to take my breath from talking without even taking oxygen. I looked around and everyone looked like they knew it must be Dante."Though when Dante woke up the next morning he didn't find Jayla. It was left unsolved like that and the case was just never retouched again." I paused for them to sink this in."Therefore, I believe that there is always a way to solve problems, always a choice. We then went to investigate and for the results found that there was blood on the walls on the hotel that they had checked out, blood on the TV, and blood on the bottom of the walls, but it looked so neat and clean if you ever had checked that room. Not only did we find that disturbing evidence but we had also checked Dante Ross's home.""We had come to known that we found evidence, and he was also on our top of our list and most highly suspected person, and in results found a dress that the women found in the home of Dante wouldn't wear it. It had also blood on the dress and looked like an Italian type of dress. Also found a hidden knife behind the wooden wall. The knife was not clean but dirty, was dirty with blood. This of course we were so positive, so sure that it must be Dante, but had changed our minds after we watched the video from the hotel on the night of Jayla and Dante had checked in."

"Not only did we found just evidence of some kind of murder at the hotel but also at Dante's home, fulled with suspicion for the video, both Syler and I had watched ourselves." I took another breath from explaning without breathing,"There was this man who worked on that night, his name is James, and he still works there.""We had also investigated him even though he was so low on being the one suspected as the murderer of Jayla, but we needed as much as evidence to see who was the one who had muredered Jayla or adult-napped her. In the results of this, it was pretty surprising. We had come to conclusion that Jame's had a heart-shaped silver neclace and a bottle of Belladonna also called Nightshade. This of course we knew that Jame's was healthy and we had talked to his doctors, and after we did we for sure knew what it must have been used." Then Syler finished what must have been finished a decade ago. Syler then spoke,"We took the blood's DNA and found that it was Mandy Cornege's DNA, another teen who has been murdered, it only took a couple of days until we found out. But we had also found blood on the knife from Dante's house, that was the same blood, and in which we knew that he had killed her with

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

-What would mak Logandale a better school?


-What would make Logandale a better school?

Many things would make Logandale a better school. One of the reasons is that teachers should change a bit on their attitude. Another reason is that if we could have more exploratory, it would improve Logandale. Third reason, if teachers changed the classes by how they look it might help improve Logandale. Don’t you think if these reasons become reality, it would improve Logandale?

One of the ideas for what would make Logandale a better school is that teachers should change a bit on how they act. If teachers were still keeping their professional behavior, and still keep it cool, then it might be interesting for students. Students don’t like boring teachers, they like fun teachers. For example, Mrs. Stier is pretty cool and still keeps a professional behavior. Students also like things eased up, they don’t like getting detentions so if teachers eased up maybe also the students would ease up, too. Like, this Honor Class, room 212, teachers ease up and also the students ease up. We know when to stop and when to be quiet. If we change, then the school must change in many ways, like by it’s exploritories.

Another idea for what would improve Logandale into a better school is if there were more exploritories. Like for example, music class and computers. Every student is different, they like doing different things, so there should be more exploratory. Students got bored of having some boring exploratory over and over. If there were more exploratory then students wouldn’t get bored and be interested in school. If there were more exploratory then there is a better chance that parents would want their kids to go to that particularly school. Don’t you agree?

This idea for what would make Logandale a better school is if they made Logandale’s classes more interesting. What I mean by this is that if teachers posted up things in the Logandale’s website and made it interesting then there kids would be attracted to this school. If teachers also changed their homerooms into much attractive by putting things up on walls then it will be more interesting for students. Also if there were more ideas by the teachers for the students then classes also may be interesting. I would go to a school fulled with interesting classes.

There are many things that can make Logandale a better school. One idea is that if teachers changed a bit on their attitude. Second idea is that if we had more exploratory it may improve Logandale. Third idea is that if teachers changed the classes by how the look it might improve Logandale. These are many things that can make a big difference and save our school.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Life

When I gave birth to my daughter it was the best thing that had happened in my life! I always wanted a daughter. My my god!, though the labor, it had hurt so much but it was worth it. When I had first looked at my daughter, I though she was the most beautiful thing. As I grabbed her in my arms I kissed her on the forehead. My husband was beside me and we both smiled at my daughter, though she looked sleepy. He named her Stephany, though I wanted to name her something else unique.

I though of my son, I will make a promise that I will take good care of her and my best. I don't want to ruin it this time, it had hurt me so much even though I was too young to have a child. Though this time I am going to take care of my child and will take her every where I go.
As months pass, my daughter started getting chubby and now know her that she really does laugh alot, but she gets on my nerves. She cry's alot and wants alot of attention. When she turned two years old, she began to talk simple words and tried to walk. On a hot, sunny day we went to back to the garage with my husband. That was when my daughter took her first step of walking I ran to get the camera and took a picture of her. She looked so adorable and then she fell and got a mark on her forehead.

Everyone loved her and wanted to keep her. My sister's daughter really loved her and wanted keep, she kept on taking her away from me. But I guess I needed some time alone, I'm always busy with her and everything. I got more stressed as the time really went quick, when my husband told me that we should move to Chicago, Illinois. He said that he would find a better job and we would move in to a big and better house. I loved California, I didn't want to move but the price for just a apartment size and a big family. Therefore, we left to Chicago and when we got there it wasn't like California at all. Chicago's weather here, they had winter and not as bad as rains as it is in California. It looked so much different, kind of a business city that it looked like.
We moved in to a nice home and my husband got a better job. I also worked, so I had a babysitter to pay and cook food when I came home from work. Though that didn't stop me from giving attention to my daughter, she grew much leaner and lost a big of her chubbiness she used to had. She started looking more like her father but she had the personality like me. She liked to play with her dolls and had interest in learning. Though she was very stubborn when it came to dressing up for church. She didn't like wearing dresses and went crazy when she got bored. She would scream, kicked, and play to get attention.

As she grew more, my relationship with my husband was ripping apart. This marriage isn't working out. We would always have arguments on bills and money. Then it came to a point where he took my first daughter and I took my other two kids. He had kept her with his sister and I stayed at my friends house while I looked for a job. I was upset and wanted my other daughter, I worried for her also. Some father, I don't even want to think about him. I then came to realize that I am going to get her back in some way, I have to.

It took about a year or so to get her back. His sister wanted keep her, but I wasn't going to let that happen. She tried hiding her from me, while my husband didn't care less. Yet, I went to her house and took my daughter from her. From then on, I never really liked my husband's sister and this whole family is pretty messed up. I wasn't going to let this ruin my life though, I will move on and live my life with my kids. From then on we moved to another home, I had also transfer my daughter to another school. She didn't like the school but she tried hard to make friends there. But even though she talked to them, she was never really with their click.

When she came back home, she always did her homework, usually she wouldn't understand it and had a hard time with homework. I didn't know what to do, I told her that I couldn't help her because I didn't finish school when I was young. I also told her a bunch of other secrets and she did kept it as a secret. Yet, she tried her best on the homework assignments. As she grew older she became more quiet, didn't ask much questions like she use to, and wasn't so shy as she use to be. She is loud and is stubborn with me all the time. She still grew, taller and skinny. No matter what conversation we have, she would get mad all the time. She still didn't like wearing dresses to church.

I then had wanted to get this job and knew that if I get it, I would earn a bit more money so we moved again. Though, my daughter didn't like the school, it wasn't going to work out. So moved again. There, this school called Avondale middle school did work out. She made friends, homework assignments were still hard but she got help from teachers. Plus I still stayed with the good job I needed. But she didn't have self-esteem and was even more shy from moving from school to school and trying hard to make friends. She grew taller later in the summer and developed more.

When she got to middle school she no longer was shy like she use to be, she knew that she wouldn't want to go to another school and would stay. She then started getting better grades. She hasn't heard from her dad in years, and I wouldn't want to even look at him. She already had best friends. In her about second or third year in middle school, she was preparing for which high schools she wanted to go.

One time, when I had taken her to the store with me, I had saw my ex-husband's sister, who kept calling her name. I was really mad but my daughter ignored her and didn't really remember her. I was kind of happy when she ignord her. Though I then left quickly with my daughter and she was confused. She asked me who was she and I told her that, that was your father's sister who had kept you away from me. She said nothing after that.

Now today I describe her as a funny, smart, and pretty daughter. She has come from a long way and made it through. We still have arguments and she also has an interests in reading big giant books, like the Twilight series. I stopped touching her hair because she then would get mad at me. She is also a crazy girl because she would do anything and amberrase herself, even in front of her friends and people she wouldn't know. She also plays a guitar and would take more lessons over the summer. Though I wanted her to play the violin, probably I'm gonna convince her. And most important she laughs alot, she would laugh at anything and I would ask her if she's okay. She is also still the stubborn girl, well sometimes, and now likes dresses that she picks out. Also, she would pick on me!, she would pick on me all the time and make really mean jokes about me with her sister.