Wednesday, March 18, 2009

-What would mak Logandale a better school?


-What would make Logandale a better school?

Many things would make Logandale a better school. One of the reasons is that teachers should change a bit on their attitude. Another reason is that if we could have more exploratory, it would improve Logandale. Third reason, if teachers changed the classes by how they look it might help improve Logandale. Don’t you think if these reasons become reality, it would improve Logandale?

One of the ideas for what would make Logandale a better school is that teachers should change a bit on how they act. If teachers were still keeping their professional behavior, and still keep it cool, then it might be interesting for students. Students don’t like boring teachers, they like fun teachers. For example, Mrs. Stier is pretty cool and still keeps a professional behavior. Students also like things eased up, they don’t like getting detentions so if teachers eased up maybe also the students would ease up, too. Like, this Honor Class, room 212, teachers ease up and also the students ease up. We know when to stop and when to be quiet. If we change, then the school must change in many ways, like by it’s exploritories.

Another idea for what would improve Logandale into a better school is if there were more exploritories. Like for example, music class and computers. Every student is different, they like doing different things, so there should be more exploratory. Students got bored of having some boring exploratory over and over. If there were more exploratory then students wouldn’t get bored and be interested in school. If there were more exploratory then there is a better chance that parents would want their kids to go to that particularly school. Don’t you agree?

This idea for what would make Logandale a better school is if they made Logandale’s classes more interesting. What I mean by this is that if teachers posted up things in the Logandale’s website and made it interesting then there kids would be attracted to this school. If teachers also changed their homerooms into much attractive by putting things up on walls then it will be more interesting for students. Also if there were more ideas by the teachers for the students then classes also may be interesting. I would go to a school fulled with interesting classes.

There are many things that can make Logandale a better school. One idea is that if teachers changed a bit on their attitude. Second idea is that if we had more exploratory it may improve Logandale. Third idea is that if teachers changed the classes by how the look it might improve Logandale. These are many things that can make a big difference and save our school.


  1. It was good, there were some problems but other than that, it was good...

  2. hi buddy i like your essay the first reason is really nice good job!!
