Monday, March 16, 2009

My Life

When I gave birth to my daughter it was the best thing that had happened in my life! I always wanted a daughter. My my god!, though the labor, it had hurt so much but it was worth it. When I had first looked at my daughter, I though she was the most beautiful thing. As I grabbed her in my arms I kissed her on the forehead. My husband was beside me and we both smiled at my daughter, though she looked sleepy. He named her Stephany, though I wanted to name her something else unique.

I though of my son, I will make a promise that I will take good care of her and my best. I don't want to ruin it this time, it had hurt me so much even though I was too young to have a child. Though this time I am going to take care of my child and will take her every where I go.
As months pass, my daughter started getting chubby and now know her that she really does laugh alot, but she gets on my nerves. She cry's alot and wants alot of attention. When she turned two years old, she began to talk simple words and tried to walk. On a hot, sunny day we went to back to the garage with my husband. That was when my daughter took her first step of walking I ran to get the camera and took a picture of her. She looked so adorable and then she fell and got a mark on her forehead.

Everyone loved her and wanted to keep her. My sister's daughter really loved her and wanted keep, she kept on taking her away from me. But I guess I needed some time alone, I'm always busy with her and everything. I got more stressed as the time really went quick, when my husband told me that we should move to Chicago, Illinois. He said that he would find a better job and we would move in to a big and better house. I loved California, I didn't want to move but the price for just a apartment size and a big family. Therefore, we left to Chicago and when we got there it wasn't like California at all. Chicago's weather here, they had winter and not as bad as rains as it is in California. It looked so much different, kind of a business city that it looked like.
We moved in to a nice home and my husband got a better job. I also worked, so I had a babysitter to pay and cook food when I came home from work. Though that didn't stop me from giving attention to my daughter, she grew much leaner and lost a big of her chubbiness she used to had. She started looking more like her father but she had the personality like me. She liked to play with her dolls and had interest in learning. Though she was very stubborn when it came to dressing up for church. She didn't like wearing dresses and went crazy when she got bored. She would scream, kicked, and play to get attention.

As she grew more, my relationship with my husband was ripping apart. This marriage isn't working out. We would always have arguments on bills and money. Then it came to a point where he took my first daughter and I took my other two kids. He had kept her with his sister and I stayed at my friends house while I looked for a job. I was upset and wanted my other daughter, I worried for her also. Some father, I don't even want to think about him. I then came to realize that I am going to get her back in some way, I have to.

It took about a year or so to get her back. His sister wanted keep her, but I wasn't going to let that happen. She tried hiding her from me, while my husband didn't care less. Yet, I went to her house and took my daughter from her. From then on, I never really liked my husband's sister and this whole family is pretty messed up. I wasn't going to let this ruin my life though, I will move on and live my life with my kids. From then on we moved to another home, I had also transfer my daughter to another school. She didn't like the school but she tried hard to make friends there. But even though she talked to them, she was never really with their click.

When she came back home, she always did her homework, usually she wouldn't understand it and had a hard time with homework. I didn't know what to do, I told her that I couldn't help her because I didn't finish school when I was young. I also told her a bunch of other secrets and she did kept it as a secret. Yet, she tried her best on the homework assignments. As she grew older she became more quiet, didn't ask much questions like she use to, and wasn't so shy as she use to be. She is loud and is stubborn with me all the time. She still grew, taller and skinny. No matter what conversation we have, she would get mad all the time. She still didn't like wearing dresses to church.

I then had wanted to get this job and knew that if I get it, I would earn a bit more money so we moved again. Though, my daughter didn't like the school, it wasn't going to work out. So moved again. There, this school called Avondale middle school did work out. She made friends, homework assignments were still hard but she got help from teachers. Plus I still stayed with the good job I needed. But she didn't have self-esteem and was even more shy from moving from school to school and trying hard to make friends. She grew taller later in the summer and developed more.

When she got to middle school she no longer was shy like she use to be, she knew that she wouldn't want to go to another school and would stay. She then started getting better grades. She hasn't heard from her dad in years, and I wouldn't want to even look at him. She already had best friends. In her about second or third year in middle school, she was preparing for which high schools she wanted to go.

One time, when I had taken her to the store with me, I had saw my ex-husband's sister, who kept calling her name. I was really mad but my daughter ignored her and didn't really remember her. I was kind of happy when she ignord her. Though I then left quickly with my daughter and she was confused. She asked me who was she and I told her that, that was your father's sister who had kept you away from me. She said nothing after that.

Now today I describe her as a funny, smart, and pretty daughter. She has come from a long way and made it through. We still have arguments and she also has an interests in reading big giant books, like the Twilight series. I stopped touching her hair because she then would get mad at me. She is also a crazy girl because she would do anything and amberrase herself, even in front of her friends and people she wouldn't know. She also plays a guitar and would take more lessons over the summer. Though I wanted her to play the violin, probably I'm gonna convince her. And most important she laughs alot, she would laugh at anything and I would ask her if she's okay. She is also still the stubborn girl, well sometimes, and now likes dresses that she picks out. Also, she would pick on me!, she would pick on me all the time and make really mean jokes about me with her sister.

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