Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

It was another bright sunny day, another day of working on the farm. My mom dressed me up and did my hair like every other day. I then went back in the farm to milk the cows for breakfest while Johnny my oldest brother here was working back there with Pop. They were checking up on the wheat, they had driven to take some wheat for breakfest and to pack some up for winter. Though Michael, my little brother doesn't do anything, he would just help mom with breakfest and stay in. I'd rather do that. I sometimes can't stand him, it gets annoying. After I was done milking the cow, I brought in the milk and gave it to mommy. Mommy always looked tired but was satisfied today for some reason. I looked at her, strangely and she smiled back at me. She then asked me to rinse the cups and plates. I did and had dried them for her. Though she doesn't smile unless it's a special day or event. Or something really good had happened to her today.

The last time I ever saw my mom smile was when Pop had done the chores for her and she had the day off to do watever she wanted to do with her spare time. That was big, but that was three years ago. I remembered that Pop even had to do the loundry! Oh!, that was rich! He hates doing the loundry, but she enjoyed as he did the chores for her. Though she only got the day off because it was her birthday and he wanted to do something nice for her. But it's not her birthday today, her birthday isn't until winter, and it's summer. I then started wondering, maybe she found gold or something while she was gardening out in the front porch. Then, I smelled something so deliciuos and sweet. I stopped wondering and looked around, for what was that wonderful smell. My mom was poking something delicious in the oven. Thats where the smell came from. I then spoked out loud, "Mmm!, mom? What is that that your making?" She then turned off the oven. She answered with a smile in her voice,"It's a dessert, called pie."

Momma then put the pie on the table as I put some milk on the table, but then mom said to take out the apple juice instead, she usually wouldn't let us have apple juice in the morning, it's so sweet. Then I had put on a clean, white table cloth and with that put apple juice, plates, knifes, spoons, and cups on the table. I then ran to the bell and rang it as hard as I can, I was so happy and felt like this was not another boring day of farming but an interesting and happy day. I then yelled out with all my might,"BREAKFEST IS READY!!!". My brother came running and my Pop's came walking happily. As we all sat down, Pop went to wash his hands, while then my mom served us this dessert, called pie. It had blueberry as it was getting cut up, we were all so adoring the heavenly smell. So warm and baked on a windy summer day. I then smiled widely as I took my first bite, it was so delicious but as I took my third bite I was beginning to get full, the pie was big! I could maybe last a week, but Michael wasn't allowed to eat dessert because he was sick so he would have to take his tea.

But Johnny kept on eating and eating, and I then started wondering where would all that fit. My momma was just probably in a good mood and my pop just peeked in, enjoying the moment we were having on trying the pie. While grandma was knitting and then came along and had started cutting the wheat bread. My mom then just fed Sindy some pie also, Lacy was begging and begging for pie. We then all enjoyed the day and we didn't work for today, we took off the day and my pop was done with all chores that afternoon. We all then played games and ate more pie.


  1. Good Story.
    I liked it.
    You put effort in this story :] but still good.
