Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"The Outcast of Poker Flat" by Bret Harte

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast's deaths, who/what would you blame and why?
-Uncle Billy
-citizens of Poker Flat
-bad luck

I would have to say I blame the citizens of Poker Flat for many reasons. Some of the reasons is that first of all the citizens of Poker Flat though that sense they don't deserve to be in Poker Flat they should be thrown out of the town and also sense they were the outcasts of the town. They didn't really deserve that, they weren't really bad people, sure one of them drinks a whole lot but other people do too. Also there's lots of other really bad people, and just because they were the outcast they didn't deserve that.

My second reason is that if the citizens of Poker Flat hadn't kicked them out, then they wouldn't be dead, they would have been healthy and alive. If it wasn't caused for the citizens of Poker Flat kicking them out, the outcasts wouldn't have to go on a journey to move out from Poker Flat. They wouldn't have to go through hunger and cold weather, then death. If it wasn't for the citizens of Poker Flat, then they would have been alive, living their rest of their lives.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

"The Story of an Hour"

What I liked about this story was how the women was having all these ideas of being free and
not being bossed around and her life also not being taken over by her husband. My reason for why I like this part of the story is because she is already having plans for what she is gonna do with her life and she was very satisfied. Though, I didn't like the part where the husband comes back and she gets her freedom but never enjoys it because she's dead. I didn't like this part because she didn't even enjoyed her years that were to come, she died just because her husband came back. The whole point of this story is that the women find out that her husband died, she then started having ideas and plans on what she wanted to do with her rest of her life now that she would be free, and finally she dies because her husband comes home and didn't really die.

"The Blind Man"

What I liked about this story was that the old man knew he had the whole spare time to do
watever he would have trouble with, like opening fences or finding the door bell. He was carefree and didn't ask for no ones help, he does it all by himself, he also tries to support himself which means that he lives his life. What I didn't like about this story was that everyone who was surrounded by the blind man didn't care for him, they ignord him and still misstreated him. All though the people who were surrounded by the blind man cared for the rich man. He was known but they couldn't even help the blind man? I see that the rich man was not blind but he got hit by cars, and though the blind man did cross the street without getting crashed. The whole point of this story was that the blind man used the rest of his senses and still used them to support himself, as it describes in the story he tries to sell pencils and no one even buys them, misstreat him, and ignord him, and in the end he is still ignord but he crosses the street without even getting crashed while the rich man did; the rich man was healthy as a horse.

"Desiree's Baby"

What I liked about this story was that as the story began both Desiree and Armand fall in love and he for the first time notices Desiree's beauty. He cared for her and loved her so much. I liked this part of the story because it's like another love story. What I didn't like about this story was that in the end Armand was all along an African American in which made the baby black and he had told Desiree that she was the one who had made the baby black. Then told her to leave, without nothing but her own baby, she had left to her mother's home.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

I watched cautiously and curiously as my respectable friends take the glasses in their hands to their lips. Then I though to myself if they would really make a difference to their lives if they were given a second chance with this water from the Fountain of Youth. Though they are wise, and I'll see if they use it. They then drank their water and put the glasses on the table.

Then all of a sudden, a big change came, it just stunned me for a second, I winked three times to make sure it was what I saw. It was, they somehow turned different in a very low way, it had brighten them they don't really look as old as they really did; even though it was only a really little change of them. I focused on them. Though then, they all seem to want more of this water, for they wanted to turn younger. Though it could be that there is something to it that may had messed with their minds.

Hmmm, so I though for a second and then agreed to give them more water. Why not? I served them more water, carefully not to spill. Then a second passed, and they grabbed their glasses like as if their life depended on it and swallowed it in one gulp. Much more improvement, they change little by little allthough. They looked like around in their middle ages, but Colonel just didn't believe it, so she looked in the mirror

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequel

He stood there, sinking the information from the letter in. He then put the letter in his pocket and started running for the door. He looked side to side, around, looked straight in the road but he didn't see Desiree.

"AAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed outloud and was in madness. He needed to change this, his mistake. Mistake that he would regret for his rest of his life.

The slaves looked at him, then the same La Blanche's little quadroon boy came up to him, and asked scared, "Are you alright Armand? Do you need something?" It then started raining, pouring hard, and getting windy and cloudy.

"I want you to tell everyone to take the day's off, for a week. But I need you to do something for me," He took a deep breath and looked up."No, forget it. Just go."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the affects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the story?

If I were given a choice to have an operation that would make me much smarter, I would do it even though I would know the affects of the surgery that would only be temporary for a couple of reasons. First off, is that I wouldn't be made fun of because I am slow, like Charlie. He knew the affects of the surgery would be temporary as he started getting more smarter and became a genius. Second reason, I would have a chance to be smart and not be made fun of because I would be slow and dumb. Third reason, I would be smart and do something with my limited life time. Therefore I see a great oppurtunity and would want to take it. Like Charlie in the story he wanted to be smart and tried and struggled through so that he can be smart and not be made fun off. He also wanted to do something with his knowledge and smartness so he started helping out in the experiment witht he Doctors and scientists.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 8-the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explainations.




What the story says about the issue of family is not supportive and is not together in one family. They don't stick together like other families, the other families who stick together are the ones who truly do love each other and may have problems but they don't ignord it or treat it like they don't care about each other like they do in the story of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Like for example, in the story this family isn't so supportive of Benjamin and have troubles about him.

Benjamin is very different and is born differently, he is born old and dies as a baby. His family is concerned at how Benjamin was born and they didn't really believe him. Nor did they support him from the beggining. Friends from the Roger Button's act differently then what they would from acting around a normal newborn baby. They for example, in the story their friends get stuck at complimenting Benjamin.

The Roger Button's biggest problem about Benjamin is his looks, when he was born, they were surpirsed. They didn't expect this, so to make him look like he is a baby or child as you may say, they try to make some differences on his looks. They dye his hair, they dress him up differently then what they should be wearing, and they make him act like a child instead of an old man.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7

-After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

-One of the problems that I think Benjamin will encounter is the marriage will start to fall apart and will no longer work out. Even in the text it had said that he'd rather go to the army so that he could just get away from her. This is because Benjamin is no longer interested in her and doesn't want her the way he use to, so this may be a problem that can happen in the future.The solution to this is that to avoid any more problems is to settle a break up to the marriage as soon as posibble.

-Another problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is how Benjamin is growing younger and has a son. This can be a very big problem since Benjamin wouldn't know how to care for his son since he is growing younger and loosing his abilities. The solution to this is that he should leave his son with his wife that way there wouldn't be much problems.

-Third problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is his job that he has in the company and he is really making alot of money. As he gets much younger there will be a problem with him working in the company sense he wouldn't know how to work. The solution to this is that he should let his son work in the company when he turns eighteen or older.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

What Roger should do is just do a whole make-over to Benjamin. Try to make him look like a kid at least, like for example, cut his hair and beard, then color his hair. Make him wear kid clothes that fits him and also try to find out why this had happened. Make him play with toys and act like a kid outside in public and can act the real himself at home. He should find out how this happened by going to the doctors and asking them why and how this had happened. To keep this as a secret for a while, he should make up a lie that the baby was born sick and needs to stay away from people so that they wont get affected by it. This is a plan so that the public such as friends wouldn't come and see the truth that Benjamin is an old man, and was born as a old man.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

-What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

What I would have done if I were Roger Button would scream and say no there must be a mistake somehow. An old man be my son? It must be a mistake because my wife just gave birth to a baby, not an old man. It's unspeakble! I would react really differently from what Roger Button had, I would have freaked out and would just wouldn't accept the fact that the old man was my son. I would need prove of somehow. I would then run out of the hostpital and go to the counter and ask for my son or daughter.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I am so mad all the time but I don’t know why
Sometimes I feel so confused, out of place, and shy
It’s like I want to know who I am, what I am, and why I live
I think to myself sometimes, it’s difficult , though I still thrive
I think about the future, forget about the past, and still no answer
I just do my things, things to be done, but I don’t know what I am reaching for
I want to scream out loud, out of reach of everyone, just want to think, stop the time
For once in a while, perspective of my friends is different, I act differently and just mime
I don’t know what I think about life, life is a pure gift, but I don’t know what is the meaning of it, what’s the point of it
Sometimes I just give up even though I am so close to reaching for what I don’t know, and give in, don’t ask why, I don’t know
I sometimes am confident, loud, a whole different person and people say whoa!
I hate people, friends, family, anything, you name it, I hate it for no reason sometimes
Sometimes I look up at something, then it’s no longer what I wanted, what I wished
I try to bring my old self again, it doesn’t work out, I’m no longer that girl
It’s like a twirl, I’m confused, and I’m mad but I don’t know why