Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7

-After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

-One of the problems that I think Benjamin will encounter is the marriage will start to fall apart and will no longer work out. Even in the text it had said that he'd rather go to the army so that he could just get away from her. This is because Benjamin is no longer interested in her and doesn't want her the way he use to, so this may be a problem that can happen in the future.The solution to this is that to avoid any more problems is to settle a break up to the marriage as soon as posibble.

-Another problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is how Benjamin is growing younger and has a son. This can be a very big problem since Benjamin wouldn't know how to care for his son since he is growing younger and loosing his abilities. The solution to this is that he should leave his son with his wife that way there wouldn't be much problems.

-Third problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is his job that he has in the company and he is really making alot of money. As he gets much younger there will be a problem with him working in the company sense he wouldn't know how to work. The solution to this is that he should let his son work in the company when he turns eighteen or older.

1 comment:

  1. Good Problems Stephany. I agree with you. Great job my friend!!!!!!! :]
