Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

"The Story of an Hour"

What I liked about this story was how the women was having all these ideas of being free and
not being bossed around and her life also not being taken over by her husband. My reason for why I like this part of the story is because she is already having plans for what she is gonna do with her life and she was very satisfied. Though, I didn't like the part where the husband comes back and she gets her freedom but never enjoys it because she's dead. I didn't like this part because she didn't even enjoyed her years that were to come, she died just because her husband came back. The whole point of this story is that the women find out that her husband died, she then started having ideas and plans on what she wanted to do with her rest of her life now that she would be free, and finally she dies because her husband comes home and didn't really die.

"The Blind Man"

What I liked about this story was that the old man knew he had the whole spare time to do
watever he would have trouble with, like opening fences or finding the door bell. He was carefree and didn't ask for no ones help, he does it all by himself, he also tries to support himself which means that he lives his life. What I didn't like about this story was that everyone who was surrounded by the blind man didn't care for him, they ignord him and still misstreated him. All though the people who were surrounded by the blind man cared for the rich man. He was known but they couldn't even help the blind man? I see that the rich man was not blind but he got hit by cars, and though the blind man did cross the street without getting crashed. The whole point of this story was that the blind man used the rest of his senses and still used them to support himself, as it describes in the story he tries to sell pencils and no one even buys them, misstreat him, and ignord him, and in the end he is still ignord but he crosses the street without even getting crashed while the rich man did; the rich man was healthy as a horse.

"Desiree's Baby"

What I liked about this story was that as the story began both Desiree and Armand fall in love and he for the first time notices Desiree's beauty. He cared for her and loved her so much. I liked this part of the story because it's like another love story. What I didn't like about this story was that in the end Armand was all along an African American in which made the baby black and he had told Desiree that she was the one who had made the baby black. Then told her to leave, without nothing but her own baby, she had left to her mother's home.

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