Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 8-the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explainations.




What the story says about the issue of family is not supportive and is not together in one family. They don't stick together like other families, the other families who stick together are the ones who truly do love each other and may have problems but they don't ignord it or treat it like they don't care about each other like they do in the story of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Like for example, in the story this family isn't so supportive of Benjamin and have troubles about him.

Benjamin is very different and is born differently, he is born old and dies as a baby. His family is concerned at how Benjamin was born and they didn't really believe him. Nor did they support him from the beggining. Friends from the Roger Button's act differently then what they would from acting around a normal newborn baby. They for example, in the story their friends get stuck at complimenting Benjamin.

The Roger Button's biggest problem about Benjamin is his looks, when he was born, they were surpirsed. They didn't expect this, so to make him look like he is a baby or child as you may say, they try to make some differences on his looks. They dye his hair, they dress him up differently then what they should be wearing, and they make him act like a child instead of an old man.

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