Friday, February 27, 2009

What do I wish from Barack Obama?

Stephany Ruiz 2/27/09
212-8th R/LA

-What do I wish from Barack Obama?
-Create a healthcare system that works

What I wish from Barack Obama is that he would create a healthcare system that works. Some of the reasons why I think Barack Obama should create a healthcare system that works is that some people can’t afford the cost, people in some other country has free healthcare, and it could affect the U.S. Don’t you think life would be so much easier if the healthcare system was something you could afford? Or get it free?

My first point for why I wish Barack Obama to create a healthcare system that works was that the number one first problem is that people in the country can’t afford the cost of healthcare. People in the country may work really hard but may get a low pay for the job and when they need healthcare they can’t afford it. Some people can barely take care of themselves because they get low pay. The cost for the healthcare is crazy, for example, Mrs. Steir’s brother pays about $800 each month for the healthcare. Wouldn’t it be much easier if this country had free healthcare like this other country?

My second point for why I wish Barack Obama to create a healthcare system that works was that people in some other country has free healthcare. In some other country maybe they are doing well and so on because they get free healthcare. I think that in my inference people that get free healthcare in the other country they are more healthy and get to live longer and work harder. I also think that they may get an easier life and also sense they don’t have to worry about any cost of healthcare they may concentrate on other important things. Wouldn’t you want this to happen in the U.S?

My third point for why I wish Barack Obama to create a healthcare system that works was that it could affect the U.S. The way some people can’t afford the cost of the healthcare affects them in many ways. For example, if the person got hurt than that person won’t be able to work and would get fired. The person could have some diagnose disease and it could spread all the over the U.S. because it can’t afford the cost of healthcare. It may also reveal to other major problems.

Something that I wish from Barack Obama is that he would create a healthcare system that works. My first reason is that the majority of people can’t afford the cost of healthcare. Second reason is that people in some other country receive free healthcare. Third reason is that the health can affect the U.S. So wouldn’t it do quite well if we all received healthcare for free?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Another Life Changing Event...

Okay, okay, okay....So what? I guess I have nothing to do..and I'm really bored...I've already bothered Julian... >=D
So....I'm making another one..just for the bordem of bordem....

When I was younger I had gone to Stockton Elementary School. I had all my friends there, I had lots of best friends. They all treated me well, I was usually the best friend who would help them out. Though I was really quiet and dense back then. I was so shy all the time and was really quiet. My friends would tell me not to be shy and to talk louder and more. But I was still the shy girl. As time moved on I had tranfered to this other elementary school, and to this other elementary school, and this other elementary school. From moving and trying to make friends had made me more quiet and shy. Then for the fourth time I had came to Avondale Elementary School, I had a good feeling about this school becuase it didn't feel lonely and cold like all the other schools I have been to. In Avondale it was more friendly and nice. Though the education was pretty still dense for me. By the time I was in fifth grade I had started picking up and tried many times. I then realized I shouldn't be shy and should speek up for myself and this was all caused by my friends who had helped me, well at least some, and who had helped me throughout the year.
By then in middle school as I am today, I'm not as shy as I have been back then and had suceed and became one of the smartest people in the class.

-Life Changing Event

Another life changing event, so yeah, I was pretty bored doing nothing and decided, eh wat the heck? why not make another one? So.....yeah?...Making this one :)

So my mom wanted a pet, or as I may say a cat four or five years ago. She looked for cats on internet and in stores. I asked why did she want a cat? She replied as that we didn't pay much attention to her, and didn't eat much, and that we don't play around no more like we use to. She wanted attention. So then she kept on looking for cats and she had already bought the whole supply that the cat would need. I hated pets, first of all she wouldn't take care of it later on and wouldn' play with her. I knew this of course because we had fishes before, they all died, this was caused by our mother. She forget to feed them. Now she wanted a cat. Ugh....

She didn't find the right cat. Once she told me about a cat that she said was pretty nice and cute but was mean and grunchy all the time. Later then on in that summer she had finally found the cat, and I had totally forget about it, so it was like it had came out of the bloom. The cat was pretty cute and all but I just hated it. She called it Candy but in spanish, Dulce.

Today now she doesn't really care for her because now, she got another fish. Great. Now I'm always the one feeding it, petting it, and when I'm in a really good mood I'll play with it. I hate doing all the caring for it but my mom had last time forget to feed it and the cat had came on the kitchen table and went to meow on top of my homework and had floded my paper left some kind of mark on it which pissed me off. So then I had gotten the habit of feeding her to keep her away from my homework and from annoying me.


-Life Changing Event

When my brothers and I were young we went to the park on a hot, sunny day. We were playing in the park and having alot of fun. I remembered how I had used to push my sister out of the way when I wanted to go on the slide. We had played for hours and then a old, man had came with big, scary, drooling, dogs that were barking and were trying to pull away from the man. Then he musten though that we wanted to play with the dogs because the dogs were trying to pull away from the man. But we were just staring at the three dogs. The dogs were black and I think they were those kinds of dogs that worked with polices and this one dog that was a bull dog. Then the man had let go of them but had let go of them on the other side of the park. Though the dogs weren't running in the other side of the park but instead were runnning after all of us. We then got scared and hesitated and then ran to our mother.

We were so scared, and that the dogs were still running after us when we got to our mother. The man didn't do anything but stared for a second. Then the dogs were chasing us and we kept running around our mother. My sister and I were crying. (Haha!, go ahead and laugh.) Though they kept chasing us, my brother was also running like a maniac though he wasn't crying. Then the next thing I knew was that my sister and I were running on top of my mom, and I was trying to climb on her head. Then my sister too was trying to climb on her head so that the dogs wouln't reach to us. By the time the owner was running to get his dogs and he did. He had apoligized and my mom was surprised by what had happened. In the end, now, today, I am always scared of big bull dogs and any big dog that might look scary to me. I wouldn't even pet them, even if they were sweet, I have always been scared of them. =(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers?

Stephany Ruiz 2/24/09
212-8th R/LA

-Parents are the best teachers?

I agree, that parents are the best teachers for many reason. My first reason why I think parents are the best teachers is that they would know you better than a normal teacher would. My second reason is that they might know a lot of things because of what they had learned and their career. My third reason is that they would help you more than a normal teacher would. Don’t you think your parents would be a best teacher?

My first reason why I think parents would be best teachers is that they would know you better than a normal teacher would. Sense the teacher would be your parent they would know you better in which understands you better so that when you might not understand something they would help you better. Sense they know you better and are close then you and the teacher would pretty much learn from each other easily.They would both be close and confortable when there is a subject that is hard to learn and would have more time to learn than on a normal school day.Wouldn’t you learn easily better more from a person who has a career and can educate you?

My second reason is that they might know a lot of things because of what they had learned and about their career and teach these things to their son/daughter. The son/ daughter might learn something new from it’s parents on their career and may get good tips on how to work.When having a parent who has a career they can teach it to their son/daughter and the son/daughter might get really good at it. As the parent teaches the son/daughter about it’s career it can also teach it’s experiences so that the son/daughter won’t go through it too. Wouldn’t you want to learn this and get help from your parent/s than you would get from a normal teacher?

My third reason is that your parent would help you more than a normal teacher would.You would get more attention from your parent, and your parent could help you with problems than a normal teacher would help. Parent’s would be there for you when you would need them not like a normal teacher would. You won’t get so amberrased as you would have to by telling your school teacher than you would having to talk to your parents about things that are personal. So you would feel closer to your parent/s as your teacher than you would with a normal teacher.

I am positive that parent’s would be best teachers for you for many reasons. My first reason was that they would know you better than a normal teacher would. My second reason is that your parent’s may teach you different things than you would in school and also learn more things than you would in a normal school.Third reason is that you would get more help than you would with a normal teacher. Don’t you agree that your parents are the best teachers?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A very important skill a person should learn in order to be succesful in the world today is reading. I think reading is a very important thing today because almost everything we do basically has to do with reading. Some of the reasons why I think reading is a important skill a person should learn is that it may have to be needed in the job you would want or need. Another reason is that it may be a way of connecting or contacting people. My third reason but not least is that it is a good way of excercising your brain. Don't you like reading?

My first reason why I think reading is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be succesful in the world today is that it may be needed in the job you would like or need. It is important that you know how to read because in almost every job you would need to read, there is no way without reading. For example, if you wanted to become an actress than you would have to go over the scrips by reading in order to perform the show or movie. If you didn't know how to read than it would affect your career not only that but your life.

Another reason why I think reading is a very important skill is that it may be a way of contacting people. Like for example, your boss tells you to go somwhere you would have to read the instructions to where you are going in order to get there. Also for example, if someone needed help and had wrote to you then how would you help that person if you didn't know how to read? It could affect people in a bad way. Reading is also a way of reading other peoples songs, books, notes, or letters that may or may not be touching. Don't you think reading is a good way of excercising your brain?

My third reason why I think why reading is a important skill is that it excercises your brain. When you read it excercises your brain by learning new things by reading. By reading it also improves your english. Today it is very important that you learn your english because this is the U.S. in which everyone talks in English and because of this it is a way of also talking to people. If people don't understand your English than it can affect your life.

These are my reasons why I think it is important that everyone should learn the skill of reading in order to be succesful in the world today. My three reasons are it is needed in the job, it is a way of connecting to people or contacting in a way, and it is a way of excercising your brain. Don't you agree with me that reading is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be succesful in the world today?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever...

The best day I ever had was in a summer day last year. My family, a friend, and I were going to Wisconsin and we were going to do alot of things in Wisconsin. We drove in car for about days that it felt but really maybe about 2 or 3 hours. I was really excited and happy and felt really fresh. Before we left Chicago we went to the store in the morning and bought a couple of things like chips, water bottles, sandwhiches to make, and some other things. I got my favorite kinds of cookies which were oreos and vitamin water. Then we drove off to the highway and then as we drove farther more, I started seeing more farms and less stores, parks, and people. As we drove more farther I just saw big farm homes, farms, trees, grass, and road signs.
I then told my sister how could anyone live like this?!, I couldn't survive a day without stores or malls, I'll basically turn crazy and then die. My sister laughed and she agreed with me. On the way I started eating chips and threw some in the air and tried catching it with my mouth but it landed on my laps. My sister and brother laughed at me and then they tried it and they got it! I was like surprised and then I did it again but still didn't get it. Then as we saw a couple of small stores and resturants and houses we saw this small, red resturant. I then knew we were going there becuase my mom was parking in front of it. I though it would be awsome because I've never been out of Chicago. So as we walked to the resturant I saw this place where there were boards to put your head in and take pictures and there were piles of wheat stocked on top of each other and though it looked like a farm kind of thing. We all took goofy pictures and smiled as we put our head on the board. Then we went in the resturant and saw old people and with very different style than I had, almost all of the people inside the resturant kept staring at us. I was kind of shy and though I looked like I was rich or something and too colorful compared to them.
We then took our seats and were happy, we went to take our plates of food and serve ourselfs. As I saw the food that was on the counter, It looked delicious there were mostly potatoes, alot of meat, french fries, pies, and fruits. I then started grabbing all kinds of foods and enjoyed it. My mom loved the eggs and my sister loved the bread with jam. When we were finished we left and didn't know where we were going so I asked my mom's friend and she told us that we were going to drive to a farm and then to a grocery store here. I was wondering how everything would be like. We then drove a big farther and we got to this farm, I was excited and saw this cute boy and this pretty girl. The boy was about my age and the girl was about my sister's age. I wanted to be friends with them even though we just came. My mom's friend said that she is going to milk a cow and get her milk from there, I was surprised but I laughed at the though that she would be milking a cow. We went to this farm place where they kept the cows and then my mom's friend milked a cow and put the milk in a clean bucket and we then went to this other room where we put the milk in this machine and it would clean the milk. It was a big machine, it was silver and had this like meter. There was also a small table and a box with money and a piece of paper that would tell how much it costed for the gallon or ounces. I asked my mom's friend why they had it out like that and why didn't they stay here with us to watch if we are really gonna pay, in her response she said that people here trusted each other and would just leave out this to pay for the milk for whenever they wanted to come. This was new to me and though it was kind of cool.
When we left we went to this small store where they selled food and fruits. We bought strawberries and cold drinks sense our water bottles were too warm. Afterward we went out to drive around and see how everything is in Wisconsin and it was in the afternoon. We took more pictures around the streets, cows, and farms. There we also saw pretty horses but they were big as we got closer to it. We then headed back again home and I dozed off to sleep. By the time we got there we were pretty close sense we were at the highway again. My sister was talking and telling jokes and we all laughed, so did my mom's friend and she joked around with my sister. I laughed really hard that I though I would pee on my pants becuase my sister's jokes were too funny. Then my mom tickled my sister and I tried tickleling my sister to make her laugh. Then as we were in Chicago again, we were pretty tired from a long day and we all wanted to go to sleep. We dropped off our mom's friend and we went home and had the best day ever.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

Red so rich, splendid
exquisite, beautiful, fine
blooming flower flush

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. I kept staring at her with no expression, and looked away because I knew she always came up with something, something just so terrible each time she even though of it. I didn't want to get in trouble, besides. I went to watch TV, and started watching Family Guy. She came with the smile on her face and I just ignord her like every other day. She then tapped on me and I turn to look at her. She then told me that she wants to go to the store to get some stuff. I asked her what kind of stuff, but she didn't answer. I then asked her if she had asked our mother for permission to go to the store but she nodded a no. I then told her to call our mother, but our mother did not answer. So then I told her that we would go to the store really quick and come back home. She then said, "okay!" We then went to the store and she had went to the cake section and got a big cake with strawberries around it and then went to the paint bottles and got a whole bunch of bottles. I asked her, "whats that for?", she didn't answer. She then went to get a glass bottle of coca cola. She then paid for it and I just didn't care less, as long as we went home quickly.
Later that day I was taking a shower while my sister was calling some friends. I didn't even bother worrying who she was calling becuase if I do, then I'll find out something I didn't expect and later would get in trouble just like in the past. I then dressed up in my confy pj's and went to watch my favorite show, "Food Network". Later then a past few minutes passed and all of a sudden I see people. People who I don't know!, people that are freaky and crazy looking. I just stared for a moment and screamed for my sister's name, "Maggy!!!". She put on music really loudly and started taking out the stuff she had bought earlier and some other junk food. Then I saw what was happening. I gasped.... I went up stairs and changed to something appropriate for whats about to happen.
When I came downstairs I saw more people coming, and they were dancing like crazy, putting flour all over the floor and on each other with chocolate syrup, people playing around, people talking to each other and laughing. I was worried, our mother could come at any time, I would be so sure she would come at this time from her meeting, but I got worried every second. I was looking for my sister the second I was coming and getting a view of everyone. There was just too many people, I tried finding my sister. Just what I needed! I was so furious I pushed those skinny, tall people. Then I found her.., she was the one with the most colorful outfit and punk-ish looking, her hair so messed up, looked like she went on a roller coaster with her hair standing up. She was dancing with this cute dude, but I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out. I told her, "What is wrong with you!?, do you have any idea how much in trouble we are going to be in?!, are you crazy? nuts?! What is wrong with you?! Take everyone out of the house! OUT!", though she just ignord me screaming at her and rolled her eyes. I though she was a snoty little sister. Then she left like I wasn't even talking to her. I then got really pissed at her. If I called mom and told her about this then she would come from the meeting and see this and would take everyone out and I would be the one getting yelled at instead of my sister. So then instead I was making a plan, but then I saw this dude who was checking me out. I was stunned. He was so perfect, his face so perfect and beautiful! I wanted to yell at him and tell him that I'm not any special than the other girls in this party. I then just kinda of looked around and tried to look like I didn't notice him.
He came closer to me and asked me if I would dance with him, I looked at him for a second at his beauty, I forget what he had asked for a second. Then I remembered and said yes to him. I have seen my sister danced to this type of music, it was a hard, metallic kind of music. Some musics she had heard and danced to were elelctronic kind. So then I took her steps and danced with him with her moves I've seen, he was a bit impressed. I saw how he had smiled at the way I had danced and just looked away because it's amberrasing. I'm not really into dancing, all I knew was that I tried my best. Then some other teens had sprayed whip cream at us and sprayed chocolate syrup. I screamed... He then covered me so that I wouldn't get sprayed on myself much, they then sprayed at some other couples and teens. Then he asked me if I was okay and I had said yes and told him he gots a little something on his face. He laughed, at the though that he had chocolate all over his face and whip cream. Then I said thank you.
I hugged him and then he said if I would give him my digits but I said in one condition, and he asked "what?", I told him if I can get another hug and he chuckeled and gave me a hug. I then gave him my digits. I looked at the time and I then knew that she would really come at any minute so I had to do something really quick, I then grabbed my money in which I was saving for my dress that I really wanted to get at Nordstrom, from my pocket and then I had turned down the music and said "free money!!", and threw it outside on the lawn and a whole bunch of people went to attack the money and some tripped and felled and had then only the dude that I had just met and danced with was standing there, he then said he had to go and saw that he was amberrased becuase he was alone with me. He then left.
Then I saw that my sister taking pictures with this dude I had seen him danced earlier together and then I just rolled my eyes at them. I cleaned up really fast, it was about to be 8 in the afternoon, I then had mopped and saw that the kitchen was still a mess, I panicked and yelled at my sister that I would pay her a hundred dollers if she cleaned here, she just smirked at me and went to the kitchen and gaved her goodbye to the dude, then I went upstairs and cleaned every mess in the rooms. And then I went downstairs and saw through the window that she was parking and went to the kitchen and my sister was just cleaning the table. I went to turn on the TV and put on "Courage the Dog" and sat down, and I heard the keys going through the door and my sister jumped on the couch and sat down. My mom came in and my sister had greeted her liked nothing had happened, I still had the expression of having a awsome time which my mother usually wouldn't see. So I kept staring at the TV, and she said sorry for not answering the calls earlier and told her in my normal voice it was okay. She sighed and asked us what was this smell, I said that we had ice cream and sandwhiches for dinner. I knew by now she would have a suspicious face though I didn't make no expression by then on my face and then she said well hope you guys had a nice day. I said we did. My sister smiled at me like at the very beginning.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I want to do in my lifetime

1)I want to tie a cherry's stem with my tongue.
2)I want to take lots of pictures with my sister in the vacations.
3)I want to go to Japan in China.
4)I want to have lots of friends to go my house when we are all adults.
5)I want to go to metro stations concert one day.
6)I want to go to six flags just with my friends.
7)I want to have a sweet sixteen.
8)I want to wear a awsome dress and go to a fancy resturant.
9)I want to have a porsche.
10)I want to eat ice cream outside the poarch on a calm day.
11)I want to be crazy and do funny and stupid things when I get older.
12)I want to wear crazy funky things someday.
13)I don't want to have kids to be honest with you, maybe just maybe get married.
14)I want to have a boyfriend someday that would be the most awsome-ness person I would ever meet.
15)I want to have a pool party.
16)I want to hug a hotty emo.
17)I want to dance like an idiot in high school and college at least twice or once.
18)I want to go to Las Vegas and stay at the Palms someday.
19)I want to graduate from college.
20)I want to go shopping all day long one day with none-stop.
21)I want to go watch a movie in the theaters and make fun of some dude.
22)I want to go to a party where it last till 8 in the morning.
23)I want to make fun of Yana in high school and pick on her sometimes.
24)I want to stay with my bestest friends till the end.
25)I want to make a video of a song with my sister while we are still young.