Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Another Life Changing Event...

Okay, okay, okay....So what? I guess I have nothing to do..and I'm really bored...I've already bothered Julian... >=D
So....I'm making another one..just for the bordem of bordem....

When I was younger I had gone to Stockton Elementary School. I had all my friends there, I had lots of best friends. They all treated me well, I was usually the best friend who would help them out. Though I was really quiet and dense back then. I was so shy all the time and was really quiet. My friends would tell me not to be shy and to talk louder and more. But I was still the shy girl. As time moved on I had tranfered to this other elementary school, and to this other elementary school, and this other elementary school. From moving and trying to make friends had made me more quiet and shy. Then for the fourth time I had came to Avondale Elementary School, I had a good feeling about this school becuase it didn't feel lonely and cold like all the other schools I have been to. In Avondale it was more friendly and nice. Though the education was pretty still dense for me. By the time I was in fifth grade I had started picking up and tried many times. I then realized I shouldn't be shy and should speek up for myself and this was all caused by my friends who had helped me, well at least some, and who had helped me throughout the year.
By then in middle school as I am today, I'm not as shy as I have been back then and had suceed and became one of the smartest people in the class.

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