Thursday, February 26, 2009

-Life Changing Event

Another life changing event, so yeah, I was pretty bored doing nothing and decided, eh wat the heck? why not make another one? So.....yeah?...Making this one :)

So my mom wanted a pet, or as I may say a cat four or five years ago. She looked for cats on internet and in stores. I asked why did she want a cat? She replied as that we didn't pay much attention to her, and didn't eat much, and that we don't play around no more like we use to. She wanted attention. So then she kept on looking for cats and she had already bought the whole supply that the cat would need. I hated pets, first of all she wouldn't take care of it later on and wouldn' play with her. I knew this of course because we had fishes before, they all died, this was caused by our mother. She forget to feed them. Now she wanted a cat. Ugh....

She didn't find the right cat. Once she told me about a cat that she said was pretty nice and cute but was mean and grunchy all the time. Later then on in that summer she had finally found the cat, and I had totally forget about it, so it was like it had came out of the bloom. The cat was pretty cute and all but I just hated it. She called it Candy but in spanish, Dulce.

Today now she doesn't really care for her because now, she got another fish. Great. Now I'm always the one feeding it, petting it, and when I'm in a really good mood I'll play with it. I hate doing all the caring for it but my mom had last time forget to feed it and the cat had came on the kitchen table and went to meow on top of my homework and had floded my paper left some kind of mark on it which pissed me off. So then I had gotten the habit of feeding her to keep her away from my homework and from annoying me.


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