Thursday, February 26, 2009

-Life Changing Event

When my brothers and I were young we went to the park on a hot, sunny day. We were playing in the park and having alot of fun. I remembered how I had used to push my sister out of the way when I wanted to go on the slide. We had played for hours and then a old, man had came with big, scary, drooling, dogs that were barking and were trying to pull away from the man. Then he musten though that we wanted to play with the dogs because the dogs were trying to pull away from the man. But we were just staring at the three dogs. The dogs were black and I think they were those kinds of dogs that worked with polices and this one dog that was a bull dog. Then the man had let go of them but had let go of them on the other side of the park. Though the dogs weren't running in the other side of the park but instead were runnning after all of us. We then got scared and hesitated and then ran to our mother.

We were so scared, and that the dogs were still running after us when we got to our mother. The man didn't do anything but stared for a second. Then the dogs were chasing us and we kept running around our mother. My sister and I were crying. (Haha!, go ahead and laugh.) Though they kept chasing us, my brother was also running like a maniac though he wasn't crying. Then the next thing I knew was that my sister and I were running on top of my mom, and I was trying to climb on her head. Then my sister too was trying to climb on her head so that the dogs wouln't reach to us. By the time the owner was running to get his dogs and he did. He had apoligized and my mom was surprised by what had happened. In the end, now, today, I am always scared of big bull dogs and any big dog that might look scary to me. I wouldn't even pet them, even if they were sweet, I have always been scared of them. =(

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